If you can't find an answer below, please join our Discord and ask again there!

Can I join the team, or other games in your portfolio?

We're always recruiting for our portfolio games. Drop off your materials here & the talent team will get back to you if there's a spot open.

I want to contribute to the DAO, but I'm not sure how.

Not a problem. Every KAP tokenholder is a DAO contributor, and there are loads of ways for you to get involved just by engaging the community via Discord, Twitter, or Twitch. Reach out to a moderator!

When will the DAO be fully decentralized?

The DAO is decentralized by design from launch. The core team expects to hand over complete operation of the DAO to a fully distributed group of engineers and smart contract maintainers around two years from TGE. It's our job in the meantime to build a robust set of contracts and scalable backend frameworks to ensure that future participants have a relatively simple job adjusting and maintaining parameters, and cannot inadvertently act against the wishes of the tokenholders. We're very optimistic about this new age of governance, and we're excited to have you with us! 🚀


Please join our Discord for the latest information around current scholarship availabilities. In general, you should absolutely apply!

Last updated